Lecce, Italy
Association Internationale de Papyrologues
29th International Congress of Papyrology, Lecce (Italy)
See the report on The Stoa
Detailed programme of Panel 4: Digital Palaeography
Organized by I. Marthot-Santaniello, K. Bentein and G. Bodard
Wednesday 31st July, 11.10-13.10 Room Fayyum 7
11:10-11:15 Introduction by the organizers
11:15-11:25 Vlad Atanasiu (Basel): Script Styles Panoramas by Computational Synthesis
11:25-11:35 Fabian Wespi (Heidelberg): Digital Palaeography and Demotic studies
11:35-11:45 Gemma Hayes (Groningen): The Search for the Qumran Scribes
11:45-12:00 Discussion
12:00-12:10 Antonia Sarri (Manchester): Handling of Received Letters from Ptolemaic to Roman Times
12:10-12:20 Hussein A. Mohammed (Hamburg): Computational Analysis of Handwriting Styles in Heavily Degraded Manuscripts
12:20-12.30 Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello (Basel): D-scribes project and notary hands in Dioscorus archive
12:30-12:40 Alberto Nodar, Lluís González Julià (Barcelona): What's inside the cigar boxes? The carbonized papyi of the Palau-Ribes collection
12.40-13:10 General discussion
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