Elder Museum of Science and Technology
Univ. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
"Writer Retrieval and Writer Identification in Greek Papyri" with M. Seuret
20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2021)
Abstract. The analysis of digitized historical manuscripts is typically addressed by paleographic experts. Writer identification refers to the
classification of known writers while writer retrieval seeks to find the writer by means of image similarity in a dataset of images. While automatic writer identification/retrieval methods already provide promising results for many historical document types, papyri data is very challenging due to the fiber structures and severe artifacts. Thus, an important step for an improved writer identification is the preprocessing and feature sampling process. We investigate several methods and show that a good binarization is key to an improved writer identification in papyri writings. We focus mainly on writer retrieval using unsupervised feature methods based on traditional or self-supervised-based methods. It is, however, also comparable to the state of the art supervised deep learning-based method in the case of writer classification/re-identification.
Keywords: writer identification · writer retrieval · Greek papyri
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