Iliad Visualizer

The Iliad Visualizer has been created by Olga Serbaeva in the scope of d-scribes project to provide an overview of the Iliad papyri already annotated in the Research Environment for Ancient Documents (READ). Note that Chrome can be a prefered browser over Firefox.

PalEx viewer

PalEx viewer has been developped to vizualize the annotation work done on 150 Iliad papyri in the Research Environment for Ancient Documents (READ).

Hierax enhancer

The purpose of Hierax software is to enhance the legibility of papyri for text edition and publication. It consists of an image processing tool and an image viewer. To learn more and download the software, click here:

A presentation given in the scope of R-chive meetings (October 15, 2021) is available here.

For the technical aspects and evaluation, see V. Atanasiu, I. Marthot-Santaniello, "Personalizing image enhancement for critical visual tasks: improved legibility of papyri using color processing and visual illusions", accepted for publication by the International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) on 2021.03.11. Accessible here.

Image Binarization Application

The Image Binarization Application has been developped by Agni Ramadani in the scope of d-scribes project to binarize papyrus images. It can be used on other kinds of historical documents.